Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is Ellen DeGeneres set to walk stranded bride down the aisle?

A bride who has been left stranded by her own parents because of her sexuality and choice of marriage partner, reached out to Ellen DeGeneres to walk her down the aisle for her wedding, in a tweet dated 5 November 2019.

The bride-to-be, Kate Austin in her message said:
"hi Chrissyteigen & TheEllenShow!! my parents aren’t going to attend my wedding because they don’t like that i’m gay! i need someone to walk me down the aisle and someone else for a “father/daughter” dance. plz come, my fiancée and i would cry 💕."

Ellen responded saying "See you tomorrow."

At first glance, one would assume that Ellen agreed to stand in as a father figure to walk her the aisle but watching the aired session of their feature on the Ellen show, we are left uncertain.

The couple, Sarah and Kate were hosted to a feature on the latest episode of the Ellen show as a result of their heart capturing Tweet. 

Sarah and Kate shared their love story which started five years ago as one which has faced a lot of rejection even from parents.

The first proposal was at Eiffel tower and the second was on the show, each at the different times asking the other's hand in marriage. The partner who got proposed to at Eiffel planned a surprise proposal for the other on the show.

It is unclear if Ellen will be attending the wedding because on the show, Ellen said she would not be able to attend but presented a dummy image of her to attend. She surprised the couple with supportive members of their family to witness the proposal on the show.

She also gifted them a twenty-five thousand US Dollars cheque and yesterday, tweeted "see you there." Ellen might just show up in person.

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