This is the story of alleged actions of a father, against his two months old baby. A said Confidence Amatobi, is alleged to be on the run, evading arrest, after causing a life long scar on his baby, Miracle.
It is said that, as usual with babies, his child was crying for attention, but the mother hurriedly went to the bathroom as nature called. He allegedly could not stand weeping Miracle, took a plastic hanger, repeatedly beat his right hand till it broke. The mother of Miracle, hearing a horrified cry of her baby, got to him, and realized the damaged arm. The supposed father, said to the mother that he did that, because baby Miracle was disturbing his sleep. Sigh!
Further narration explained that, Miracle's father, locked both mother and child in the house for additional two days, preventing them from seeking external, and medical assistance. He allegedly seized mummy Miracle's phone as well. In this time, the untreated right arm, was beginning to swell and rot. One can only imagine the level of trauma, Miracle and his mum must have experienced.
Mummy Miracle is said to have eventually found a way to escape after two days. As narrated in the story, she alerted neighbours, who then assisted her to get medical attention for Miracle.
At this stage, it was said to have been already too late to save the fracture from amputation.
Amatobi is on the run, as Human Rights have taken up the matter legally.
This situation, is alleged, to have happened in Imo state.
Heartfelt wishes goes out to Miracle.
What an "excuse" for a father.😡