An alleged impersonator, fake South African doctor, "Dr. Matthew Bongani Lani" has been arrested by security on duty at Helen Joseph Hospital allegedly, where he went to shoot a misleading TikTok content in an attempt to convince his TikTok followers that he is a real doctor following the scrutiny on his legitimacy as a real medical doctor.
Yhooo! He even tried to jump the fence when he was caught.
Matthew Bongani Lani, who had been claiming that his real name is Sanele Zingelwa which is also false, claimed to have been so brilliant, getting multiple double promotions, thereby skipping multiple grades and obtaining his high school certificate at age sixteen. Claimed to have obtained a medical degree from "University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg (Wits University) at twenty-one.
He started a TikTok account with the name Dr. Matthew, mostly giving counsel on managing a positive HIV status with the format of using his personal life as an example, claiming he is tested positive to the virus and using his status to motivate others that he is living a normal, healthy life.
Most of his content is centred around his professional life (falsely) at Helen Joseph Hospital. He has such a believable and eloquent confidence that he soon became very popular on TikTok with a good number of active followers. To maximise his popularity, he launched his own supplement pills, Mokhaba pills.
With such popularity also came scrutiny. His profile was verified at the health professions council which came back false. He debunked his bursted bogus profile by claiming that Dr. Matthew is not his real name but a stage name. Allegedly, claiming his real name is Sanele Zingelwa. Coincidentally, Dr. Sanele Zingelwa is a registered male doctor at the health professions council but is a different person from the acclaimed Dr. Matthew.
The HPCSA allegedly stated categorically that "Dr. Matthew was not on their register. Wits University debunked his claims of being an alumnus. Cambridge International college where he allegedly claimed to have obtained his high school diploma, published a statement debunking his claims of graduating from their college. Contrary to his brainy, being genius claims, it was revealed that he had been referred to a school for people with special education needs. Yhoo! Yhoo! Yhoo! The pills are allegedly far from being as authentic as he presented them.
(Photos attached below)
Matthew Bongani Lani was still not relenting from the falsehood. He even came out on TikTok to try to still maintain his lies. Every proof he tried putting out were easily detected as obvious lies and exposed by the reference institutions as false. It is said that the health department has opened a criminal case against him.
In an attempt to falsely convince his TikTok audience, he was arrested allegedly on the premises of Helen Joseph Hospital on Sunday, 29 October 2023, where he went to shoot a misleading content. It is alleged that he tried jumping the fence when he was about to be apprehended. He was eventually arrested.
Why would Matthew Bongani Lani go to such extent to keep portraying himself as a medical doctor till he reached a point of criminalising himself? A very valid question on the lips of many.
Some say his actions show that he needs psychiatric attention while others say he knew exactly what he was doing, and did all in an attempt to cash out for himself.
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